quarta-feira, 7 de março de 2018

Hexágonos de Crochet (Crochet Hexagons)

Gosto muito de fazer projetos com muitas cores. Talvez a parte mais difícil seja juntar tudo depois. Mas no momento estou fazendo esses hexágonos. São muito fáceis! A receita é da crochetincolor.blogspot.com , achei no Pinterest.

Pattern (US terminology)

Ch 4, Join with sl st, forming a ring

Round 1: Ch 3 (counts as first dc), 11 Dc into the ring. Make sure you crochet over the beginning tail. Join with sl st into top of first st. Pull tail tightly to close the hole. (12 dc)

Round 2: Ch 3, dc in same st, ch 1, (2 dc in next st, ch 1) around. Join with sl st to top of first st. (24 dc and 12 ch-1 spaces)

Round 3: Sl st over to the first ch-1 sp. Ch 3, dc in same sp, ch 3, 2 dc in same sp. 2 dc in next ch sp. (2 dc, ch 3, 2 dc in next ch-1 sp, 2 dc in next ch sp) around. Join with sl st. Sl st over to ch-3 space. (this will set you up to sew hexagons together). Cut tail leaving several inches for sewing. 

When sewing together, whipstitch into the back loops of the hexagon. Sew from point to point. (This will be 10 stitches)

Difícil mesmo é juntar depois....

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